Founded by neurodivergent artists, Spectrum Theatre Ensemble evolves the awareness, resources, and professionals that empower our neurodiverse community in achieving their greatest potential and equal opportunity and full participation in society.
STE seeks to create a training center for neurodiverse theatre artists and administrators to create, innovate, educate, and accredit new standards in accessibility and inclusion both on the stage and beyond to society as a whole.
Spectrum Theatre Ensemble (STE) is a company of neurodiverse theatre artists, based in Providence, RI. STE was developed with the aid of a grant awarded to our Artistic Director, Clay B. Martin, in partnership with Trinity Rep, entitled the Leadership U[niversity] One-on-One Mentorship Grant. The grant was administered by Theatre Communications Group (TCG) with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
STE was co-founded in 2017 By Clay B. Martin and PJ Miller along with a group of neurodiverse theatre artists with the common belief that theatre provides a unique, collaborative venue for the understanding and inclusion of all, and that our society and culture is stronger for it. We produce relevant and high-quality productions. We also provide leading initiatives and sensory-friendly consulting with other organizations within the theatre industry and beyond.
STE engages artists and audiences in developing social skills, empathy, and self-determination. STE was founded in 2017 with the common belief that theatre provides a unique, collaborative venue for the understanding and inclusion of all, and that our society and culture are stronger for it. We produce relevant and high-quality productions. We also provide leading initiatives and sensory-friendly consulting with other organizations within the theatre industry and beyond. STE engages artists and audiences in developing social skills, empathy, and self-determination.
What does “neurodiversity” mean? As an organization, we define it as the partnership between neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. We believe we learn the most from each other when we work together.
We see collaboration as the core of what we do as theatre creators. What makes theatre unique as an artform is that it requires a team of artists (actors, directors, designers, playwrights etc.) and an audience to actively share in the experience together.
Ability to grasp meaning, mutual comprehension, knowledge of another’s nature—We see all these forms of understanding as valuable both in art and society. We, as a company, seek to improve both our understanding and the understanding of others through our work.
As a neurodiverse theatre company, we recognize that a diverse group, in any situation, is beneficial not only to the project but also to those who take part in it. We promote inclusion in everything we do, both in art and the greater world.
The ability to identify with and understand somebody else's feelings or difficulties makes for a better world. We use the metaphoric power of empathy in our work as artists, and through that art, create a more empathetic society.